A quality solution with a quality team
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I was introduced to Franklin Covey and all about the seven habits of highly effective people by a mentor about 10 years ago and I find there uses constantly keep re-emerging on this Start Up journey .
The first habit that Covey talks about is ‘Begin with the end in mind’. The great support I have had from Local Enterprise, Inspire, New Frontiers and other mentors all are aiming towards this, getting a business plan together. Simply put it this is a picture, if you like, of what your business will look like when all the work is done. Financially, strategically, operationally and culturally.. …the people that will help you make it a reality.
Veri Integrated Training, now selling, would not have got to this stage without the following great support we sought out over the past 12 months.
Inspire Programme
- Mentoring from an industry expert
- Research Trip to A Fab Lab In Wales to investigate new product design
Local Enterprise Office
- Onlinetrading voucher a 50% support for doing business online
- Specialist Assistance for a 50% support marketing and design
Enterprise Ireland
- Innovation Voucher- €5000 for project research work such as mapping or design
- New Frontiers – Mentoring and Stipend of €15.000 for supporting the time it takes to get a product like Veri Integrated to market.
As well as the practical elements of these programmes, the confidence and group aspect is all important. Start Up can be a very lonely place, normally a one man show having to find the motivation to move, manage and critically analyse the new business every day (normally with little or no money).
So, for sure there are great days with new breakthroughs like new clients and awards but there as many knockbacks and resilience and support systems are a critical resource for the Start Up Founder.
The main objective of New Frontiers Phase 2 is to be ready to sell and grow, it’s all about being able to have the vision to scale. Then be able to share that vision with strategic alliances, especially with new investors and partners. And that is the next post, how our CTO (Chief Technical Officer) Shane Barron came on board !