
We are Hiring

Category : Blog

We are hiring!!! At the start of this unique time in history I was confident in our ability to survive. I am delighted to be expanding in order to meet additional demands on the back of Covid-19 response programmes for SMEs.
Both of these roles include significant remote-working opportunities. Our Kilkenny base is also a really great benefit and has relocation accommodation available as part of the package. Not everyone wants to go back to a lengthy commute or consider immigration. We expect this is just the start of a major expansion phase for Veri and want interested applicants to get in touch immediately.

It’s time to ensure our brightest and our best have opportunities at home.

We have signed two new contracts to bring our digitalisation tool to new Covid-19 SME response programmes, allowing for real-time quality assurance through cloud-based software. The first partnership is with international digital mentoring company, Profile Tree, for a three-year Digi-Growth Mentor Growth Programme for Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council. The second is with The Agile Executive, with which we have established the MentorsWork initiative.
To meet growing demand from the two new project wins and other work, there are immediate vacancies open for experienced PHP engineers. There is also an immediate start for a VP of engineering who will work closely with myself to develop company’s in-house technology team, product road maps and successful technical partnering with its expanding client base.
For full job descriptions please contact us at [email protected]